lineGrid _ (fontArray inject: 0 into: [:h :f| h max: f height]).
baseline _ (fontArray inject: 0 into: [:h :f| h max: f ascent]) - 1.
alignment _ 0.
firstIndent _ 0.
restIndent _ 0.
rightIndent _ 0.
outputMedium _ #Display.
tabsArray _ DefaultTabsArray.
marginTabsArray _ DefaultMarginTabsArray
"Currently there is no supporting protocol for changing these arrays. If an editor wishes to implement margin setting, then a copy of the default should be stored as these instance variables."! !
!TextStyle class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!
createBDFStyle: fileNames named: styleName
| array |
array _ fileNames asArray collect: [:fn| | fs sf |
(fs _ FileStream oldFileNamed: fn) readOnly.
sf _ StrikeFont fromBDFFile: fs.
fs close.
"Add a copy of the fonts on the end with underlined emphasis"
"Answer the next byte from the receiver as a signed byte."
| value |
self atEnd ifTrue: [^false].
^(value _ self next asInteger) > 127
ifTrue: [256 + value negated]
ifFalse: [value]! !
!CharacterBlockScanner methodsFor: 'scanning'!
"This does not handle character selection nicely, i.e., illegal characters are a little tricky to select. Since the end of a run or line is subverted here by actually having the scanner scan a different string in order to manage the illegal character, things are not in an absolutely correct state for the character location code. If this becomes too odious in use, logic will be added to accurately manage the situation."